What We Do...

Middindi Consulting offers and is capable of providing clients with a wealth of consulting services which tap into our extensive knowledge and expertise. We have worked on numerous projects with blue-chip organisations and leaders in the mining and minerals industry. We understand how to craft a solution that fits our client’s specific requirements and budget.
Compilation and review of rock-related Codes of Practice
Risk assessments
Risk assessments

Inelastic and elastic numerical modelling

Compilation and review of rock-related Codes of Practice

Due diligence

Risk assessments

Mining method trade-off studies based on geotechnical criteria
Evaluation of laboratory and in-situ support performance

Compliance and strategic auditing

Research and development

Open pit, quarry and strip design

Waste rock dump design

Geological and geotechnical assessments for both underground and surface workings

Geotechnical logging that is both orientated and unorientated using drill core, scanlines, cell or window mapping, photogrammetric and geophysical wire lines

The design and selection of support systems

Rock engineering strategies for optimal mining and mine design

Provision of rock engineering design criteria at any level of concept or feasibility studies